The Formal End Assessment will be completed in the final 3-6 months once agreed between Waterside and your Employing Company to confirm the apprentice is ready for the End Point Assessment to take place. It will be based on a range of assessments depending on the standard from a mix of assessments as follows;
Knowledge Test, an online examination from multichoice questions based on the standard and core discipline area
SAT – Synoptic assessment test (SAT) observation completed in the workplace when the approved assessor will observe the apprentice on the job to ensure that the apprentice fulfils the SAT specification. The SAT assessment should be at least 2 hours long and be chosen from either a maintenance activity, breakdown activity or installation activity for engineering or start up, operation or shut down activity for manufacturing.
VCD – Vocational Competency Discussion (VCD) discussion between the external assessor and the apprentice regarding their understanding of site systems, legislation any questions in relation to the standards can be asked or further questioning of items missing from the observation.
Case Study, the apprentice may also complete a scenario case study designed to test understanding of transferrable skills and application of knowledge that would be required for them to adapt quickly and function effectively after minimal instruction on new equipment / environments or under revised working practices.
The apprenticeship award will be achieved on passing all elements of the formal end assessment. A grade will be allocated for each assessment along with an overall apprenticeship award graded at pass, merit or distinction and or fail.
Should an apprentice fail any element of the assessment, they will only be required to re-sit the failed area. Feedback will be given prior to re-assessment.
Please note any re-sits will be charged at the appropriate amount.